How to update nominee in Axis mutual fund online?


Hello guys in this article we are going to discuss on how to update nominee in Axis mutual fund online. If you are an Axis mutual fund customer and you want to add nominee with your folio then how to add nominee in Axis mutual fund online?


Many of Axis mutual fund customers don’t know the process of adding nominee in Axis mutual fund. That is why we are discussing the process in this article. If you are also searching for how to add nominee in Axis mutual fund then read this article.


How to update nominee in Axis mutual fund online:

To update or add nominee in Axis mutual fund you will be required your PAN number and the mobile number linked with your folio. Hence keep them handy and then follow the following steps.


STEP 1: Click on this link and open the page.


STEP 2: Here you are asked to enter your PAN number. Enter your PAN number on the box.


As you enter your PAN number you will ask to select mode of holding. Select mode of holding as single if you are individual investor otherwise select joint holder.


Then you have to select folio option. Select all folio if you want to add nominee in all folios. Select without nominee folio option if you want to add nominee to the folios in which nominee is not added before. We select here all folio option.


After selecting folio option select your email address and tick on ‘I am not a robot”. Finally click on ‘Generate OTP’.


STEP 3: An OTP will be sent to your registered email address or mobile number with Axis mutual fund folio.


STEP 4: Enter the OTP and click on ‘Validate OTP’.


STEP 5: After completion of OTP validation some details of your folio. You will also see two other options. One is “Opt. in nomination” and the other is “opting out of nominee” select the first option here.


Another drop down menu will open. Here you are asked to select how many nominees will you want to add with the folio? You can add maximum three nominees. We select here one.


STEP 6:  In this page you are asked to enter your nominee details. You have to enter nominee name, nominee PAN number, allocation percentage, select relation with the first holder of folio, date of birth of nominee, guardian name if nominee is minor, guardian PAN number, guardian relationship etc.


Then enter the address of nominee.


STEP 7: A pop up message will be appeared on the screen. It says “Thanks for the details. Please click on GENERATE OTP to submit the data.”


Now click on done.


STEP 8: The details of the nominee you have entered will appeared in one line. Click on the ‘Generate OTP’ under the details on nominee.


STEP 9: Again a pop up message will open. It says “Please enter OTP received on your registered mobile number and email Id. Click on OK.


STEP 10: Enter the OTP and click on ‘Submit’.


STEP 11: A message will be appeared. “Nominee details updated successfully”.


This is the process how to add nominee in Axis mutual fund.

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