Hello friends,
in this article we are going to discuss on the topic “how to update KYC in
ICICI Bank online”. If you are an ICICI Bank customer and you need to update
your KYC in your account. Then how to complete e-KYC for your ICICI account?
Many of ICICI
customers wanted to know the process of updating KYC in ICICI Bank. That is why
we are discussing the process on this article. If you are also wanted to know
the process then read this article.
How to update KYC in ICICI Bank online:
We are
discussing this process through iMobile app. If you have not registered with
iMobile app then register first and then follow the following steps.
STEP 1: Go to iMobile app and login to your account.
STEP 2: If you need to update KYC then Bank may send link to the dash board of
your iMobile app. If so an pop up message will displayed on the screen. Click
on the link “Proceed to E-KYC”.
Or you can go to
your account’s dashboard and click on ‘Services’.
STEP 3: A list of different services options will be appeared on the screen.
Scroll down the page and click on the option ‘Update KYC/Profile’.
STEP 4: You will see ‘Update KYC’ and ‘Update profile’. Click on ‘Update KYC’
option here.
STEP 5: You will see your account’s customer Id. Select customer Id and click
on “Proceed to update KYC”
STEP 6: You are requested to share your location. Click on the option ‘allow
this time’.
STEP 7: Some of your account details will be appeared on the screen. Click on
the “Proceed to e-KYC” button here.
STEP 8: In this page you are asked to enter your Aadhaar number. Enter your
Aadhaar number and trick on the box before “I have read and understood’.
As you trick on
the box, a page of terms and conditions will be appeared on the screen. Click
on ‘I Agree’ button.
Finally click on
“Generate OTP” button here.
STEP 9: Enter the OTP and click on ‘Verify OTP’.
STEP 10: Your Aadhaar data and account data will be compared. Here you will see
your Aadhaar number, name, date of birth and gender and green tricks against
each detail. It means your account data are matched with Adhaar data.
Scroll down the
page, you will see your current address in your ICICI account. You will see a
question “Do you want to change your communication address?” Select “Yes” if you want to change the
address. Otherwise click on “No”.
Click on the
button “proceed to FATCA Details”.
STEP 9: You will be redirected to FATCA
details page. Here you have to select current residential status, country of birth,
country of citizenship, country of residence for tax purpose and country of
current residence. Select all the details here.
You will also
see a question “Are you a US citizen?” Answer of this question as ‘No’.
Then trick on
the box before the “declaration” and click on “proceed to profile details”
STEP 10: In this page you have to select occupation, sub occupation, education,
Gross annual income, income source etc. Select all the details and trick on the
box before “I have read and understand”.
A page of
declaration and terms & conditions will be appeared on the screen. Click on
the “I agree” button.
Finally click on
the “Confirm details’.
STEP 11: The details you have entered on the above steps will be entered on the
screen. Click on ‘Proceed for E-sign”
STEP 12: You will be redirected to anther website for e-sign. Trick on the box
before “By clicking this checkbox” and click on ‘Proceed’.
STEP 13: A form for e-sign will be appeared on the screen. Here the details you
have entered on the above steps will be appeared. Check the details and click
on “Proceed” on this page.
STEP 14: A terms and conditions details will be appeared on the screen. Trick on
the box before the terms and conditions. Then click on “accept and e-sign”.
STEP 15: You are asked to enter your Aadhaar number. Enter your Aadhaar number
and click on ‘Send OTP’.
STEP 16: An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number with Aadhaar.
Enter the OTP and trick on the box before the declaration and click on ‘Proceed
to e-sign’.
STEP 17: All the entered details will be appeared on the screen once again.
Check the details and click on ‘submit’.
Your KYC details
will be submitted successfully. You will be confirmed with SMS after sometimes.
This is the
process how to update KYC in ICICI Bank online.