How to contribute to NPS account online?


Hello friends, in this article we are going to discuss the process how to contribute to NPS account online. If you are a NPS customer and you want to contribute to NPS account then you can do it easily through NPS mobile app.


Many NPS customer want to know how to deposit money in NPS account online. Therefore we are describing the process of transferring money to NPS account on this article.


How to contribute to NPS account online:

We are discussing the process how to contribute to NPS account online through NPS app on this article. If you have not installed the NPS app install the NPS app on your mobile first and then follow the following steps.


STEP 1: Login to NPS mobile app first.


STEP 2: You will be on the dashboard of your account. On the left side top corner of the page you will see a three line option. Click on this option.


STEP 3: A list of some options will be appeared on the screen. Click on the option ‘contribution’ from the list.


STEP 4: You will be redirected to contribution page. On the top of the page you are asked to select the account type for which you want to contribute. Then select contribution frequency like contribute once or start SIP. Here we want to contribute only once so select it as ‘contribute once’.


Now you have to select payment gateway. You will see two gateways here one “Razorpay” and “Billdesk”. Select anyone of them.


Go to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Contribute Now’.


STEP 5: Your contribution details and a declaration will be appeared on the screen. Click on ‘Agree’ button on this page.


STEP 6: Now you will be redirected to payment page. Select your favourite payment mode and complete the payment. After completing the payment your receipt will be displayed. Click on the download button to download the receipt.


This is the process how to transfer money to NPS account online.


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