How to download vehicle challan payment receipt?


Hello friends, in this article we are going to discuss on how to download vehicle challan payment receipt. If you have paid your vehicle challan recently and you want to download the receipt of the challan you can do it easily.


Many times people get challan against their vehicle for different violent of traffic rules. At that time you have to pay your vehicle challan. You can pay it online. If you pay it online and you want to get the payment receipt you can get it easily.


After paying your challan amount online you should keep the challan payment receipt for further use. If you are also searching for the process of downloading vehicle challan payment receipt then read this article till end.


How to download vehicle challan payment receipt:

On the following steps we are discussing the downloading process of vehicle eChallan. Now follow the following steps.

STEP 1: Click on the link . You will be on the vehicle challan search check.


STEP 2: On this page you will see three options challan number, vehicle number and DL number. We want to check your vehicle challan so select the option ‘Challan number’.


STEP 3: Now you are asked to enter your vehicle number here. Enter vehicle number and captcha code shown on the page. After entering the details click on ‘Get Details’.


STEP 4: An OTP will be sent to your linked mobile number with your vehicle RC. Enter the OTP and click on ‘Submit’.


STEP 5: Now you will see your Challan details. Here you will see a print symbol under the receipt tab. Click on it to download the receipt.


AS you click on the print symbol your receipt will be downloaded on your device. This is the process how to download vehicle challan payment receipt.


You can also watch the following video on this topic. Because of we have discussed the above process on this video.

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