Hello friends, in this article we are going to discuss on how
to download policy from Policybazaar? If you have bought a policy from https://policybazaar.com and you want to
download the copy of your policy then you can easily do it online.
Many of customers who bought policy from policybazaar and don’t
know the process how to download policy from policybazaar site they search it
on Google.
Therefore we are discussing the process in this article. If
you are also searching for this topic then read this article till end.
How to
download policy from policybazaar:
Here to download the policy you will need the mobile number
which is used to buy the policy. Hence keep the mobile with this mobile number
handy. Now follow the following steps.
STEP 1: Go to
the website https://policybazaar.com and
open the home page of the website.
STEP 2: Now you
are on the home page of the website. On the right side top corner you will see
a ‘sign in’ option. Click on this option here.
STEP 3: As click
on ‘sign in’ a pop up window will appear and you are asked to enter your mobile
number. Enter the mobile number which you have used at the time of buying the
policy. After entering the mobile number, click on ‘Sign in with OTP’.
STEP 4: Now you
are logged in to your account. At the place of the ‘sign in’ you will see ‘My
account’ tab. Click on this tab here.
STEP 5: You are
on your account’s page. Here you will see ‘Your Policies’ option on the right
side of the page. Click on this option here.
STEP 6: As you
click on ‘Your Policies’ your active policies will be appeared on the screen.
Click on the policy you want to download.
STEP 7: Your
selected policy details will be appeared on the screen. Click on the link ‘Policy
Your policy will be downloaded on your device. This is the
process how to download policy copy from policybazaar website.
You can check the following video on this topic. We have
discussed the above described process on this video.