Hello friends, if you have an account in Voters’ Service
Portal and you have forgotten your password then how to reset Voters’ Service
Portal password? Many times to do corrections or some updates in voter card we
apply online. To apply for such corrections we need to create an account in
Voters’ Service Portal.
But sometimes we forgot the password of that account, then
how to create a new password of Voters’ Service portal. Many people search this
topic on Google. Therefore we are discussing this process on this article.
If you are also searching for the above question then read
the procedure described on the following steps.
How to
reset Voters’ Service Portal:
To reset the password of Voters’ service portal you need to
keep the mobile number which is linked with your voter account handy. If you
have that mobile number handy then follow the following steps.
STEP 1: Go to
the website https://voters.eci.gov.in
and open the home page of the website.
STEP 2: On the
home page of Voters’ Service portal you will see Login & Sign Up option on
the top bar of the page. Click on ‘login’ option here.
STEP 2: Now you
are on the login page of your Voter Id account. To login you need to put your
registered mobile number, password and captcha code. But you have forgotten
your password. Hence, click on the link ‘Forgot Password’ to reset the
STEP 3: As you
click on ‘forgot password’ on the above step a new page will open. Here you are
asked to enter your registered mobile number and captcha code shown on the
page. Enter the details as asked and click on ‘Continue’ button.
STEP 4: In this
page you are asked to enter your new password and confirm new password. Keep in
mind that the password should be contain at least 8 characters. After entering
the passwords click on ‘Request OTP’ button.
will be sent to your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP on this page and
click on ‘Verify and create new password’.
STEP 6: After
verified the OTP a message will be displayed. It will say ‘password set successfully,
please login with new password.
Now you can login to your account using the new password.
This is the process how to reset Voters’ Service Portal account. This process
also described on the following video you can watch the video also.