How to register in LIC online portal on mobile?


Hello friends, in this blog we are discussing how to register in LIC online portal on mobile. If you are a LIC customer and you want to register in LIC portal then how to register in LIC portal. By registering LIC portal you can easily pay your premium, download LIC premium payment receipts, check maturity dates etc.


Many of LIC customers wanted to register and pay premium hassle freely but they don’t know how to register in LIC online portal on mobile. Therefore we are going to discuss the process how to register in LIC portal on mobile. Here we are going to discuss the registration process on LIC digital app. On the following paragraphs we are discussing the steps of the process.


How to register in LIC online portal on mobile:

If you are a LIC customer and want to register in LIC digital app then download and install the LIC Digital App on your mobile and keep your policy number, premium amount and date of birth as on LIC policy handy. Then follow the following steps.


STEP 1: go to your mobile and open the LIC customer application.


STEP 2: Click on the ‘Login’ button on the first page of the mobile app.


STEP 3: As you click on ‘Login’ app you will see the login page. Here you are asked to enter your user Id, password to login. But we have to register here. Under the login options you will see an option ‘don’t have an account Sign Up’.


STEP 4: Another page will open here you are asked to enter policy number, premium instalment amount, date of birth, gender, mobile number, email address, PAN number and passport number (if you have).


Enter the details correctly. Keep in mind that the premium amount should be enter the amount without adding any tax, GST etc. date of birth should be enter as mentioned at LIC policy.


After entering the details trick on the box before the confirmation i.e. ‘I confirm that the mobile number mentioned above is registered under my name and being used by me. I hereby authorized LIC to use the mobile number for any communication’ and click on ‘proceed’.


STEP 5: A new page will open. Here you need to confirm the details you have entered like mobile number, email, PAN number and passport number. If all the details displayed on the page are correct then click on ‘Yes’.


STEP 6: A pop up message will be appeared on the screen. Here it says ‘we have migrated to the new portal and as a security measure you are required to re-verify your details. You can re-verify your details by clicking on the verification link sent to your email Id after completion of registration/verification process.’ Click on ‘OK’ here.


STEP 7: In this new page you have to create your password. Enter your new password and confirm password. Keep in mind that the password should between 6 to 16 characters and it contain at least one upper case, one lower case, one number and one special character. The special characters allowed are !, @, #, $, %, &, *, (, ), -. You can use any one of these special characters.


Now enter new password and confirm new password.


STEP 8: Successfully registered message will be displayed on the screen. After successfully register verify your details by clicking on the link sent to your registered mobile number.


This is the process how to register in LIC online portal on LIC digital app. You can watch this process on the following video also.

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