Hi friends, in this blog we are going to discuss about how to check nominee in ICICI bank online. If you are an ICICI bank customer and want to know about how to view/modify nominee in ICICI bank account online, then you can easily check or change your nominee.


Many of people want to know how to update nominee in ICICI bank account online? Therefore we described on this blog about how to change nominee in ICICI account online, how to check nominee in ICICI bank online.


How to check nominee in ICICI bank online and how to update nominee in ICICI bank account:

To know how to check nominee in ICICI bank online and how to update nominee in ICICI bank account online then follow the following steps.


STEP 1: Go to ICICI internet banking login page and login with your user ID and password.


STEP 2: As you logged in to your account you will see some options on the left side of the page. Click on the option ‘View/Update nominee’ option.


STEP 3: After click on the option ‘View/update nominee’ option the nominee page will be appeared. In this page you will see your account name, your name, nominee name and the relation with nominee.


You will also see three options ‘Back’ ‘Modify’ and ‘cancel nominee’ on the end of the page.


If you want to cancel or delete your nominee then you need to click on the ‘cancel nominee’ option.


If you want to modify or change the nominee in ICIC bank account then click on ‘Modify’ option.


STEP 4: A new page will open here you are asked to enter nominee name, nominee date of birth, is the nominee is minor or not, relationship with the account holder and address of the nominee.


After entering all the details click on the ‘submit’ button.


STEP 5: In this step you need to confirm the details which you have entered on the previous page. After confirm the details your nominee will be updated.


This is the process how to check nominee in ICIC bank online and how to update nominee in ICICI bank account online. This process also described on the following video. Watch the video to know the process.