Hi friends, in this blog we are going to describe on the topic how to know my Covid vaccine beneficiary Id. We all know that we have received the Covid vaccination beneficiary reference Id on mobile by SMS at time registration for Covid vaccination by self.


But if you have registered through your vaccinator in a vaccination center then you can’t receive the beneficiary Id. In such conditions how to get beneficiary Id for Covid vaccine? If you are searching for the answer then you are in right place.


In this article we are discussing the same topic. Here is the step by step process of how to find beneficiary Id for Covid vaccine.


How to know my Covid vaccine beneficiary Id:

Here we are going to show the process through Aarogya Setu mobile application. If you have not install the Aarogya Setu application on your mobile then install it from Google Play Store.


Before going to follow the process you should know that the registered mobile number for Covid vaccination should be correct and it should with your hand. Now follow the following steps.


STEP 1: Go to your mobile and open the Aarogya Setu mobile application.


STEP 2: After opening the application you are on the dash board of the application. You will see an option ‘vaccination’ on the top bar of the page. Click on this option.

STEP 3: After click on the option ‘vaccination’ a new page will open. In this new page you are asked to enter your mobile number for Login/ Register. Because you have already register for vaccination and you just want to know your Covid vaccine beneficiary Id, you have to login here.


Now you have to enter your mobile number which you have registered for Covid vaccination. And finally enter on ‘Proceed to verify’ button.


STEP 4: You will receive an OTP on your mobile number. Enter the OTP on this page and click on ‘Proceed to verify’ button. Keep in mind that the OTP is valid for 10 minutes only. Enter the OTP within the time.


If the OTP is not received then wait for 2 minutes and you can resend the OTP again.


STEP 5: A new page will open. In this page you will see the beneficiaries names which are registered under this mobile number entered on above steps. If you register only one person with the mobile number then you will see the single name and if you have registered more than one person under the mobile number then you will see the all on the screen. (One can register maximum 4 personnel under one mobile number)


Click on the box before the name of beneficiary for which you wish to get the beneficiary ID.


STEP 6: As you click on the box before the beneficiary name the details of the beneficiary will be displayed on the screen. In the details of beneficiary you will see the beneficiary reference Id. Note down the Covid vaccination beneficiary reference Id from this details.


This is the process how to know Covid vaccine beneficiary Id number. If anyone tell Covid vaccine beneficiary Id is not received he can follow the process and know how to get beneficiary Id for Covid vaccine certificate.


We all know that audio video presentation is the best way to make understand of any process. If you are searching for such a video by which you can know the above process, then you can watch the following video. In this video we have discussed the all steps which are described on the above topic. Hence you can check out the following video.