Hello friends,
in this blog we are going to discuss about ‘how to lock unlock Aadhaar
biometrics online temporarily. We all know that while we go to apply for a
new Aadhaar card the officials take our eye iris and finger print.
These are the
biometrics which is used for Aadhaar authentication for any service after issue an Aadhaar. Aadhaar holders can keep these biometrics lock in preventive measure. So that anyone
can’t misuse of Aadhaar biometrics. He or she can unlock the biometrics again
when it need to use.
If you keep
biometrics locked, it cannot be used until you unlock it. Hence UIDAI offers
you the facility to lock and unlock the Aadhaar biometrics. You can do it
online when you wish.
How to lock unlock Aadhaar biometrics online:
In the following
steps we are discussing about ‘Aadhaar lock unlock biometrics’. First we will
discuss on ‘biometric lock Aadhaar’. Follow the following steps for locking
process of Aadhaar biometrics.
Biometric lock Aadhaar:
Before lock the
biometrics we should know that you have the mobile number which is registered
with Aadhaar number.
STEP 1: First go to the website www.uidai.gov.in.
STEP 2: Now you are on the home page of Unique Identification Authority of
India. Here you will see some different categories of services on the page.
Here you will find an option “Lock/Unlock Biometrics”. Click on this option.
STEP 3: You will be redirected to a page where you will see some instructions
of lock unlock biometrics. You have to trick on the line which says that ‘I
understand if I enable the lock then I will not able to use the biometric
authentication until I unlock it’. Trick on the box before this line and click
on ‘Lock/Unlock Biometrics’ option.
STEP 4: Now you are on the login page of aadhaar. Here you need to enter your
Aadhaar number and captcha code shown on the page. Enter the details and click
on the option ‘Send OTP’.
STEP 5: In this step you need to enter the OTP received on the mobile number
which is registered with Aadhaar. Enter the OTP and click on ‘Submit’.
STEP 6: Now you are redirected to another page. In this page you can enable
your biometrics lock. A massage will also be displayed that your biometric
locking feature is currently not enable. Only after enabled the feature you
will able to lock and temporarily unlock the biometric authentication.
To enable the
biometric lock click on the button “Enable locking feature”.
STEP 7: In this step the massage will displayed that your biometric is lock
successfully. Now you will not able to use biometrics (iris/fingerprint).
In this away you
can lock and prevent your Aadhaar biometric from missuse.
Unlock Aadhaar biometric:
In this steps we
discuss about unlock Aadhaar biometric online while Aadhaar biometrics locked
by Aadhaar holder. Once Aadhaar biometric is locked you need to unlock it again
to use biometric authentication for a service.
So here we
discuss some simple steps by which you can unlock Aadhaar biometric online. Go
through the following steps.
STEP A: You have to follow the same process discussed on the above steps from
STEP1 to STEP 5. The process is same to same as described on the above steps.
STEP B: After
entering the OTP on the step 5 a new page will open. Here a massage will be
seen that your biometric is locked. You will not be able to use biometrics.
Now another
option “unlock biometric” will be displayed under the massage. Click on this
STEP C: Now your biometric is unlocked. Now you can use your biometric
authentication. But keep in mind that it will be locked again after 10 minutes.
You have to do your authentication within 10 minutes.
Aadhaar card biometric unlock permanently:
In the above ‘aadhaar
biometric unlock’ process we see that if you have done Aadhaar unlock in the
above step it will locked again after 10 minutes. But if you need to do Aadhaar
card biometric unlock permanently then you need to follow some more steps.
You can do this
process only after completed the unlocking process as shown in the above step A
to step C. Thereafter you have to follow all the steps from 1 to 5 and STEP.
After entering the OTP on the step 5 a new page will open. Here you will see a
massage. Your biometric is unlock and it will automatically lock after 10
Here you also
find another two options. The first option is “enable locking feature” and the
second one is “Disable locking feature”. Currently your locking feature is
enabled. To unlock the lock permanently click on the second option “Disable
locking feature” option.
Now your Aadhaar
biometric is free of locking as it was before.