Hi friends, in this blog we will discuss about ‘how to activate e-com/ online transaction in Central Bank of India ATM/Debit cards? If you are a Central Bank Of India (CBI) customer and you have an ATM/Debit card. Then sometimes You might have wished to use the ATM card for online payments/transactions. But while you go to make a transaction online then your transaction is declined. Because of online transaction facility in your Central Bank ATM card is not activated.

In that condition you must have to activate online transaction/ e-com in your Central Bank Of India debit card. Without activating e-com/online transaction you will not be able to use your CBI ATM for online payments. You can also set online transaction limit in your CBI ATM cum debit card online.

To activate the e-com/ online transaction in your Central Bank ATM/Debit card online you can proceed through Central Bank Of India mobile banking or Internet Banking. We are going to describe that procedure through CBI mobile banking app Cent Mobile app. Before going to enable e-com/online transaction in Central Bank ATM you should registered in Central Bank Of India mobile banking or internet banking.

        How to activate online transaction in Central Bank ATM card: If you wish to activate the facility in your ATM/Debit card then follow the following steps.

STEP 1: Go to Central Bank of India mobile Banking application ‘Cent mobile app’ and open it. After opened the application, login with your mobile banking user Id and MPIN/ password.

STEP 2: Now you are logged in to your Central Bank of India account. You will see an Interfresh as shown in the bellow picture. Click on the option ‘Card’.

STEP 3: A new page will open where a list of another options will be appeared. Here you will find the following options.

            * Debit Card Control.

            * Credit Card Control.

            * Credit Card Services.

            * Block Debit Card.

            * Block Credit Card.

            * Green PIN Generation.

Click on the option ‘Debit Card Control’.

STEP 4: In this new page you will see your ATM card’s image and number on the screen. Under the image you also see an option ‘set card limit’ and the limitations of your debit card. You will find the limit of the option ‘e-com’ is zero. To activate it you need to click on the option ‘Modify’ which is shown to just above of the limitation list.

STEP 5: A POP up window will be displayed here you will have to make ON the e-com option. Then you can enter the limit of your card. Enter the amount. (For the maximum limit in your ATM you can contact your branch.) Then click on ‘Submit’.

STEP 6: Now a POP up massage will be displayed. It can show in two types one is ‘E-com limit is more than the product limit. Please enter valid limit amount’. If you see this type of massage then click on ’Ok’.  And enter the amount again less than the previous amount.

            The second is ‘Request has been completed successfully’. It means your limit is set successfully and your ATM card is activated for online transactions/e-com.

            In the following video we discuss about the above procedure. If you like to watch the step by step process live then click on the following video.