What is 'Hello Jio' thumbnail?

      'Hello Jio' thumbnail is the voice assistant app in my jio app. While you open 'My Jio' app it will come to your screen, if you touch the icon to remove, it will open and ask you some permission to record your voice. If you wish take assistant from this app you can record your question.

How to remove it from your screen?

      One disappointing things of this icon is that it appear automatically while you open 'My Jio' app. When you touch it to remove from your screen the app will open though you don't want to open it. It is an irritation action of this app. Many times it disturb you. If you want to remove this icon from your mobile screen then you have to do some settings in your 'My Jio' app.  You can also use this app while you want to use it after remove also. Here is the some steps to remove Hello Jio' thumbnail from your mobile screen.
      Follow the following steps.

STEP 1 - Go to 'My Jio' app on your phone and open the app. When it open you will see it's home page. You have to find settings option on the screen. You will find this option on two point on your phone. One is on the bottom of the page and the another is on the menu bar. For menu bar  option click on the three line option on the left top of the page and you will see some options here, where you can find settings option. Now click on the settings option.

STEP 2 - Now this page redirect to a another page where you will see some options like service settings, device settings, apps settings etc. You have to click on 'apps settings' option. Click on the option.

STEP 4 - After click on 'Apps settings' a new page will open where you see another two options 'Hello Jio' and 'About My Jio'. Now click on the 'Hello Jio' option. You also see 'Activated' word under the 'Hello Jio' option.

STEP 5 - After click on this option a pop up window will open where you find enable/disable 'Hello Jio' thumbnail as shown on the image bellow. Disable the option and click on 'Save'.

      Finally you have disabled the "hello jio' thumbnail if you see the 'app settings' 'not activated' will displayed under 'hello jio'. Now close the my jio apps. Thereafter while you open the 'My Jio' app the thumbnail will not appear.